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Dr. Claire Badger

Session title

Successfully Motivating Students - How to Apply Self Determination Theory In The Classroom

10.35 - 11.35am

Workshop Overview

It is often assumed that to successfully motivate students we need to engage them in our lessons by providing them with fun, stimulating activities that will tap into their intrinsic motivation and result in successful learning.  However, research suggests that the causal relationship is actually the other way around - successful students are more motivated.  This interactive workshop will look at the relationships between success and motivation and consider how the psychological needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy suggested by self-determination theory (Ryan and Deci, 2000) can help us to reframe student motivation.  With lots of practical suggestions for the classroom, the session will leave you motivated to try some different strategies in your lessons tomorrow!


Claire Badger is the assistant head in charge of teaching and learning at Godolphin and Latymer School, a post she has been in since 2015. She has a keen interest in developing evidence-informed practices within schools and completed a Masters in Teaching and Learning with the Institute of Education during 2017-2019, choosing to focus on developing metacognitive skills in sixth form students for her dissertation. Claire is a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching; she recently completed their CTeach (Leadership) course and is a regular contributor to Impact.

Dr. Claire Badger
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