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Nicola Wilson

Session title

Establishing a culture of oracy in the Thinking Classroom

9.25 - 10.25am

Workshop Overview:

Having embraced a common language around thinking and seen the power of metacognition, we are on now establishing a culture of oracy in the thinking classroom. The relationship between thinking, language and effective learning are fundamental to good outcomes for learners. Come on a journey with us as we share how we have arrived at this point and how we believe the explicit teaching of speaking skills is entirely linked to pupil readiness for the future. Quality classroom talk does not just happen, but it can happen through thought, collective commitment and an understanding of the power of dialogic teaching.


Nicola Wilson is in her fourth year as Principal of Priory Integrated College. She is a strategic thinker; uncompromising in her vision of excellence for all, which is underpinned by a deep belief that all pupils are of equal intrinsic value, with incredible talent and potential. Nicola leads with an ethos driven approach and values a holistic measure of success.

Nicola firmly believes that pupils can only thrive when they feel safe, valued, supported and inspired. By enabling outstanding pastoral care and first class pedagogy, Nicola has seen continued growth in terms of pupil progress, social mobility and collective leadership.

A keen area of interest for Nicola is integration and she actively plans equity in the curriculum. Nicola is also passionate about empowering teachers to be cognitive coaches and learning leaders. She has expertise in pedagogy for progress, closing attainment gaps, self-evaluation, and school improvement. She is also excited by developing teams and successfully leading change.

Nicola completed a MEd at Cambridge University during her second year of teaching Philosophy and Ethics. She saw the benefits of research combined with reflective practice in meeting the needs of all learners. Additionally, her passion for leadership was evident early in her career and she remains grateful to former leaders who saw this potential and funded her to do the NPQSL, which she massively enjoyed.

Nicola remains passionately ambitious for all her pupils and believes that celebrating success in community is a powerful driver for positive change.

Nicola Wilson
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